Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Two-Minute Projects

I need to make more Stuff. Stuff makes me happy. I think I'm going to try and make a Thing every week until camp starts. 

Anyway, this particular cause is something that I am particularly passionate about. (I am actually serious.) I dislike the Oxford (or serial) comma. I think that it makes things crowded, cluttered and messy. And it adds an unnecessary pause in my head. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jess and Joel - Inspiration Board #5

My beautiful roommate found the most amazing wedding dress, and I knew that I had to make an inspiration board around it. Here we go:

Yes, I once again went overboard with color names. I really want to try the DIY picado flags, because they look like a lot of fun and I'm a huge fan of cheap DIY decorations.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jess and Joel - Inspiration Board #4

Classes have started again, which means I'm looking for more ways to procrastinate. Here's a board I like to call "Electric Blues." More appropriately, electric blues and teals and turquoises, but I really like puns.

I may or may not have had too much fun coming up with band color names. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Guitar Pick Save-the-Date

Jess and I were talking about guitar picks as table confetti which inspired this little creation...

This is the five-minute version. Maybe one day I'll make a prettier one.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cabaret Designs, part 2

I finished my production book this morning! In celebration, here are two of my costume designs.

The Emcee


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Relay For Life

If you are reading this, you probably know that I'm really into Relay For Life and the American Cancer Society. I have been on my school's Relay For Life committee for the past two years (this year, the meeting time changed and I've been unable to attend; we'll see how things go second semester). Anyway, our theme for this year's Relay is Time Travel. 

If you know me, you probably know how much I hate time travel. But there is one time travel-y thing that I like, and that's Doctor Who. My love for that show surpasses my hatred its disregard for basic physics. 

So this year, my darling roomie and I will be on a Doctor Who-themed team - Team Bad Wolf. For an explanation of the name Bad Wolf, go to our team page. 

I made a fun little animated gif for our page, completely forgetting that the ACS website wouldn't be able to host it. So I figured I'd share it here.

version 1 - not smooth, but it mimics the TARDIS's flash really well

version 2 - a lot smoother, but it doesn't do a good job with the TARDIS flash

Anyway, hope you Doctor Who fans out there will enjoy these. I'm upset because my computer totally crashed in October and I lost all of my software, and I can't find the gif animator I used to use. It was a really awesome free download software, but I haven't been able to find it and reinstall it, so I've been using a terrible internet-hosted one. Bah. If you happen to have free download software, tell me where I can get it and how much you like it.

And if you'd like to donate to me for Relay, please do so at my personal page.