Saturday, December 11, 2010

Relay For Life

If you are reading this, you probably know that I'm really into Relay For Life and the American Cancer Society. I have been on my school's Relay For Life committee for the past two years (this year, the meeting time changed and I've been unable to attend; we'll see how things go second semester). Anyway, our theme for this year's Relay is Time Travel. 

If you know me, you probably know how much I hate time travel. But there is one time travel-y thing that I like, and that's Doctor Who. My love for that show surpasses my hatred its disregard for basic physics. 

So this year, my darling roomie and I will be on a Doctor Who-themed team - Team Bad Wolf. For an explanation of the name Bad Wolf, go to our team page. 

I made a fun little animated gif for our page, completely forgetting that the ACS website wouldn't be able to host it. So I figured I'd share it here.

version 1 - not smooth, but it mimics the TARDIS's flash really well

version 2 - a lot smoother, but it doesn't do a good job with the TARDIS flash

Anyway, hope you Doctor Who fans out there will enjoy these. I'm upset because my computer totally crashed in October and I lost all of my software, and I can't find the gif animator I used to use. It was a really awesome free download software, but I haven't been able to find it and reinstall it, so I've been using a terrible internet-hosted one. Bah. If you happen to have free download software, tell me where I can get it and how much you like it.

And if you'd like to donate to me for Relay, please do so at my personal page.

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